Rare Blended Scotch
Whisky scotian
200 ml
Rare Blended Scotch J&B Whisky scotian 200 ml
Justerini & Brooks was founded in 1749, and the first Royal Warrant - a guarantee that makes it an official distributor of the royal house and certifies its positioning on the highest level of product quality - was received from King George III in 1761, and since then it received this honor from every British monarch, including Queen Elizabeth II.
As the name suggests, J&B Rare is a rare scotch whisky created by a true whisky genius. This blend changed the taste of whisky in the eyes of consumers, coming with a bold aroma with fresh notes and a vibrant finish, at a time when whisky had a rough character. The superior quality of this product earned it a loyal clientele and a success that it still enjoys today.